My CVS Loot for the Week of 7/4/10!
This was a great week at CVS for me! I did 4 transactions (you can see my scenarios with coupon match-ups here) on one card. I may go back and do them again on my husband's card later this week, because I was able to print up so many unique Sobe coupons. I just need to find room in my fridge for more bottles!

I went back two more times to CVS in the past two days. I think I'm addicted. haha
Here's what I bought:

The above order was $7.93, but would have been less if I hadn't accidentally grabbed 2 Carefree liners when I meant to grab 2 CVS liners. Oh well, sometimes that happens, I'm definitely not complaining!

The above order was $5.98. My fridge is officially full of Sobe Lifewaters. But my kids are thrilled! I think I'm done playing the Heads or Tails game on the Sobe website. I think. Free coupons are so hard to turn down, especially when they equal free products that my family loves!