*If you're new to the CVS game and want to learn how you, too, can get $120 worth of stuff for $0.16, click here to find out everything you need to know!
*To learn how to get your $3/$15 coupon, go here.
This week there are a few more deals that will make my Hubs happy! We got two Gillette Phenom razors last week, and I'm glad to see that they're in the ad again this week. Those are the only razors he likes, and the refills are expensive, so getting them free means a few more blades stocked up. (note: if you want them for the blades only, get the manual razors rather than the power ones. The manuals come with 3 blades, the powers only come with 2!).
Also, Nivea shave gel this week, so we'll be stocked up on his shaving needs for quite a while!
Other things I'm excited about this week: Revlon eyeshadow , Dove shampoo and conditioner, and hopefully the BeFine moneymaker!
Here's what I'll be doing this week:
Transaction 1:$3.99 x6 Nivea Shave Gels (earns $10 ECBs)
$23.94 before coupons
-$12 (3) $4/2 Nivea Shave Gel (from 6/8 insert)
$8.94 after coupons, earns $10 ECBs
Transaction 2:$9.99 Gillette Fusion Razor (earns $4 ECBs)
$4.29 2 Dove (shampoo and conditioner, B1G1)
$1 Atkins bar
$15.28 before coupons
-$4 Gilette (from 6/1 P&G)
-$4 (2) $2 off Dove (from 6/8 insert)
-$1 Atkins (from 6/1 SS)
$3.28 after coupons, earns $4 ECBs
Transaction 3:$6.99 Revlon Color Stay Mineral Eyeshadow (earns $3 ECBs)
$9.49 Schick Quattro Titanium Razor (earns $5 ECBs)
$16.48 before coupons
-$2 Revlon (from 5/18 SS)
-$3 Schick Quattro (from 5/18 SS2)
$8.48 after coupons, earns $8 ECBs
Transaction 4:$6.67 Cheerios (on sale for 3/$10, towards General Mills deal)
$6.99 Oral B Crossaction 2 pack (earns $6.99 ECBs, monthly deal)
$1.99 CVS 40ct Bandages (earns $1.99 ECBs, monthly deal)
$15.65 before coupons
-$3 (2) $1.50 off Cheerios (from packages of Pampers bought at CVS last week)
$9.65 after coupons, earns $8.98 ECBs
Transaction 5:$10 5 bags of select Hersheys candy (earns $5 ECBs)
$2.69 Brut deodorant 2.5oz (earns $3 ECBs)
$1.99 CVS 40ct Bandages (earns $1.99 ECBs, monthly deal)
$1 Atkins bar
$15.68 before coupons
-$1 Brut (from 4/6 SS)
-$1 Atkins (from 6/1 SS)
$10.68, earns $9.99 ECBs
Transaction 6:$13.33 4 Nature Valley Granola Bars (on sale for 3/$10) earns $10 ECBs (General Mills deal)
$2.69 Brut Deodorant (2.5 oz) earns $3 ECBs
$16.02 before coupons
-$1.60 (2) $0.80/2 Nature Valley
printables-$1 Brut (from 4/6 SS)
$10.42 after coupons, earns $13.00 ECBs
And because I have ECBs to burn and my daughter really wants to try this Neutrogena Wave, I'll also be doing this transaction this week:
$13.99 Neutrogena Wave Pore Cleanser Kit (earns $5 ECBs)
$2.69 Brut Deodorant 2.5oz (earns $3 ECBs)
$16.68 before coupons
-$2 Wave
printable-$1 Brut (from 4/6 SS)
$10.68 after coupons, earns $8 ECBs
Weekly Tally:
Total spent in ECBs:$62.13
Total ECBs earned: $61.97
Difference of $0.16 oop for just under $120 worth of products!
*In the ad this week, earn $5 when you buy any one BeFine product. Last time this was advertised, the single-serve packs of BeFine for $1.99 worked, making this a $3.01 money-maker! I'll be trying it tomorrow, and will update to let you know if it works again! Thanks to
Crystal for the reminder!