This week's CVS loot!
Is it Saturday already?? Here's how I did this week at CVS. Lots of Pampers (love that!).
Oh, and just so you know, I am NOT going to be eating those Hershey's bars (although I just ate one!). I have no will power, so all but two of them have already been given away to family and friends. They're my new "unplanned" filler item, because I realized that they're 2/$1, cheaper than the M&Ms I'd been buying, and you earn a free one for every 10 you buy. If I trusted myself to not eat them if I kept them here at my home, I might consider saving them to pass out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. My daughters love getting full-sized candy bars, so I'm sure I'd be very popular with the neighborhood kids afterwards. :)
I made three trips, and did a few (or more) transactions on each trip.
My scenarios can be found here.

Not a bad week at all! I spent $4.$$ oop for about $165 worth of stuff, and earned a few more ECBs.
If you haven't palyed the CVS game before, and are wondering how in the heck I got all that stuff for $4, then you need to read my tutorial here. I have written a step-by-step tutorial for you, so it couldn't be more simple to jump right in and start getting your own free stuff!
*For more CVS Superstars, go on over to the Centsible Sawyer's blog!
*And Crystal hosts more amazing shopping trips on Super Savings Saturday over at Money Saving Mom!

Oh, and just so you know, I am NOT going to be eating those Hershey's bars (although I just ate one!). I have no will power, so all but two of them have already been given away to family and friends. They're my new "unplanned" filler item, because I realized that they're 2/$1, cheaper than the M&Ms I'd been buying, and you earn a free one for every 10 you buy. If I trusted myself to not eat them if I kept them here at my home, I might consider saving them to pass out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. My daughters love getting full-sized candy bars, so I'm sure I'd be very popular with the neighborhood kids afterwards. :)
I made three trips, and did a few (or more) transactions on each trip.
My scenarios can be found here.

If you haven't palyed the CVS game before, and are wondering how in the heck I got all that stuff for $4, then you need to read my tutorial here. I have written a step-by-step tutorial for you, so it couldn't be more simple to jump right in and start getting your own free stuff!
*For more CVS Superstars, go on over to the Centsible Sawyer's blog!
*And Crystal hosts more amazing shopping trips on Super Savings Saturday over at Money Saving Mom!