Contact Me
Please send me any questions, comments, or deal ideas to my email at:
economicendeavors (at) gmail (dot) com
I enjoy hearing from you and read every email that I receive. I try to respond to every one, but I apologize if I'm unable to reply 100% of the time. If you have a question, I suggest posting a comment in addition to emailing, because sometimes other readers are available to respond and answer your questions before I am!
If you are the first to submit a deal idea or tip that I post about, I'll gladly post your link to credit you for the find.
If you have written an article that you think would be a good 'guest post' on my blog, please email it to me to consider. If I like it, I will most likely post it and will definitely give you the credit!
I thank you in advance for taking the time to write!
If you are the first to submit a deal idea or tip that I post about, I'll gladly post your link to credit you for the find.
If you have written an article that you think would be a good 'guest post' on my blog, please email it to me to consider. If I like it, I will most likely post it and will definitely give you the credit!
I thank you in advance for taking the time to write!