New CVS coupons online!

Some people have expressed concerns about whether or not it is ethically okay to print and use this coupon. CVS has replied to an inquiry about this, and has stated that it is acceptable to print and use this coupon. You can read the reply in my post here. :) **
There is a $3 off $15 CVS coupon in Washington Post that's not region specific. You can get to it by registering for a 7-day trial for washingtonpost e-replica. Once you register go to April 24th's edition, and go to page 128 (last page) and the coupon is there. Coupon expires 6/6/08.
Register for a 7-day free trial using the link above ... it's free, only a valid email address is needed. (I don't know why it's called a "free trial"; I didn't see anything about how much it would cost after that.)
Finding the Coupon
. click on the current daily newspaper displayed
. hover on the date (26 Apr 2008) that's near the top of the screen (2nd row under "The Washington Post" logo); a calendar pops up --> select 4/24/08
. click 'Thumbnail' vertical tab on the right side of the page; if this doesn't bring up all the pages, click 'View all thumbnails'
. scroll down to the last page (128) ... there it is (whole page CVS ad)
Printing the coupon
. hover over the print button
. click on "print custom area"
. use mouse to highlight coupon area
. make sure the correct paper size is selected in popup window
. click print
You can email the page to yourself and you will get an email with a link directly to this page. The email link to the page is only good for you; I checked the URL with another computer and it just goes to the current first page.
It doesn't seem that the issues are removed, so it should continue to be available until it expires. Also, it's been reported that you can get another free trial once yours expires.
I just found the link to another great CVS coupon online! This $4/$20 Beauty purchase coupon was emailed out to some of those on CVS' email list. It does say it is for the intended recipient only (there is no specific name on the coupon), however, CVS has told me personally that I could share my emailed coupons with friends.
Since this coupon is hosted at cvs.com, I'm sharing it here for all of you!
*I found this great info on slickdeals.net
Register for a 7-day free trial using the link above ... it's free, only a valid email address is needed. (I don't know why it's called a "free trial"; I didn't see anything about how much it would cost after that.)
Finding the Coupon
. click on the current daily newspaper displayed
. hover on the date (26 Apr 2008) that's near the top of the screen (2nd row under "The Washington Post" logo); a calendar pops up --> select 4/24/08
. click 'Thumbnail' vertical tab on the right side of the page; if this doesn't bring up all the pages, click 'View all thumbnails'
. scroll down to the last page (128) ... there it is (whole page CVS ad)
Printing the coupon
. hover over the print button
. click on "print custom area"
. use mouse to highlight coupon area
. make sure the correct paper size is selected in popup window
. click print
You can email the page to yourself and you will get an email with a link directly to this page. The email link to the page is only good for you; I checked the URL with another computer and it just goes to the current first page.
It doesn't seem that the issues are removed, so it should continue to be available until it expires. Also, it's been reported that you can get another free trial once yours expires.
I just found the link to another great CVS coupon online! This $4/$20 Beauty purchase coupon was emailed out to some of those on CVS' email list. It does say it is for the intended recipient only (there is no specific name on the coupon), however, CVS has told me personally that I could share my emailed coupons with friends.
Since this coupon is hosted at cvs.com, I'm sharing it here for all of you!
*I found this great info on slickdeals.net
I tried this but it wouldn't let me go back to the 24th they wanted to charge something like 9$ to do this. Can you advise?
Did you register for the free 7-day trial? If so, did you confirm your email address (they email you a link to click on to confirm)?
If you did both of these things, you should have no problem getting to the 24th and the coupon!
Hope that helps!
It worked! I had to sign up for the 7 day trail and then confirm my subscritption by email. Once I did that I was able to get to the page and print the coupon. I would neve rhave gotten it to print corectly if you ahd not given such great directions! Thanks!
I just want to thank you so much for passing this information on to Crystal. I'm sure it will save me many dollars over the next couple of months! Thanks again.
WHOOPEE!! Thank you so much for figuring this out and posting such good instructions.
God bless!
Just wanted to let you know that
iheartcvs.com has a direct link to the coupon.
Hope it helps.
Thank you.
THank you anonymous.. you made my day!!! I couldn't get to the paper dated the 24th either!! Tried and tried...thanks so much for this coupon. God bless.
I can't get to the earlier date. When I hover, all it displays is September and doesn't give me an option to go back or anything... ???