Revolution Money Exchange
Want to make $60 in the next 10 minutes, no strings attached?
Sign up for a free account on Revolution Money Exchange (which is a new site like Paypal that allows you to send and receive money) and they'll put $25 into your account right away. But wait, there's more- don't cash out that $25 just yet! If you have another adult in your home, have them go to the site through your referral link and sign up for an account, too. They'll get $25 and you'll get $10 for referring them. Then they can send their $25 to your account, and you'll have $60 to withdraw. I signed up for myself and then my husband, entered the same address and phone number for both accounts, and it went through with no problems.
Making $60 in less than 10 minutes Works for Me!
Sign up for a free account on Revolution Money Exchange (which is a new site like Paypal that allows you to send and receive money) and they'll put $25 into your account right away. But wait, there's more- don't cash out that $25 just yet! If you have another adult in your home, have them go to the site through your referral link and sign up for an account, too. They'll get $25 and you'll get $10 for referring them. Then they can send their $25 to your account, and you'll have $60 to withdraw. I signed up for myself and then my husband, entered the same address and phone number for both accounts, and it went through with no problems.
Making $60 in less than 10 minutes Works for Me!
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
I've seen this on other blogs. I guess it's the newness of it that freaks me out. I don't like the idea of my checking account numbers out there on some not entirely tested system. I'm paranoid that way.
It's a great idea, I'm just too leery to try it out myself. I'm glad it worked for you, though!
Actually, this site doesn't require you to have a bank account on file. You can choose to have the money in your account sent to you in a form of a check, which is what I did. There's a $2.50 fee for getting your money that way, but if you're leery about giving away your bank information, then that's the way to go!