Revolution Money Exchange
One more month to get free money!
Are you tired of me talking about Revolution Money Exchange yet? Well, this will probably be my last time, but I wanted to let those of you know who haven't yet signed up for a free account...
They were offering $25 free for signing up for a free account, and the offer was supposed to end on April 15. I just found out that it has been extended until May 15, so if you haven't yet signed up, you still can earn $25 for doing so! And I get $10 for referring you. WooHoo! Who doesn't love free money?
Revolution Money Exchange is a great company, started by Steve Case, the founder and CEO of AOL, to compete with Paypal. Like Paypal, you can use the site to send and receive money online, but unlike Paypal, it is ALWAYS free to do so.
You don't have to add your bank account to get your $25 sign up money, you can choose to have it sent as a paper check through the mail. I received my check in the mail just yesterday for signing up my husband and I, $25 each plus $10 for referring him, my check was $60!
I can't urge you enough, GO, GO, GO! and earn yourself some free money, and me a little bit, too! :)

Are you tired of me talking about Revolution Money Exchange yet? Well, this will probably be my last time, but I wanted to let those of you know who haven't yet signed up for a free account...
They were offering $25 free for signing up for a free account, and the offer was supposed to end on April 15. I just found out that it has been extended until May 15, so if you haven't yet signed up, you still can earn $25 for doing so! And I get $10 for referring you. WooHoo! Who doesn't love free money?
Revolution Money Exchange is a great company, started by Steve Case, the founder and CEO of AOL, to compete with Paypal. Like Paypal, you can use the site to send and receive money online, but unlike Paypal, it is ALWAYS free to do so.
You don't have to add your bank account to get your $25 sign up money, you can choose to have it sent as a paper check through the mail. I received my check in the mail just yesterday for signing up my husband and I, $25 each plus $10 for referring him, my check was $60!
I can't urge you enough, GO, GO, GO! and earn yourself some free money, and me a little bit, too! :)

Free money Works for Me!
*For more great tips to make life a bit easier, go to Shannon's blog for WFMW!
*For more great tips to make life a bit easier, go to Shannon's blog for WFMW!
Thanks for the tip! I've signed up.
I've signed up from your site, too! thanks!
Good Tip
I was going to sign up last week, but saw the April 15th deadline, so I didn't do it! Thanks for letting me know about the time extension! Enjoy your $10 from me! :)