Free Sephora Cupcake Bath and Shower Bubbles!
Thanks to Carrie at Money Saving Methods for the info on this great freebie!
This freebie makes me very happy, because I really like Sephora!
If you sign up as a Sephora Beaty Insider, you'll receive a FREE bottle of Cupcake Bath and Shower Bubbles (shown above) for your birthday. You have two weeks before and two weeks after to claim your gift. It's free if you pick it p in a Sephora store, or free with an additional purchase if you order it from their online site.

This freebie makes me very happy, because I really like Sephora!
If you sign up as a Sephora Beaty Insider, you'll receive a FREE bottle of Cupcake Bath and Shower Bubbles (shown above) for your birthday. You have two weeks before and two weeks after to claim your gift. It's free if you pick it p in a Sephora store, or free with an additional purchase if you order it from their online site.
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