My very first giveaway! Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy

I am happy to announce that I am hosting my very first giveaway! Hopefully the first of many more in the future.
I am a fairly new blogger, without even 2 months under my belt yet. But in the short amount of time that this blog has been active, I have had an enormous amount of support and encouragement from my readers, and I wanted to give back to you all.
This week, I had my 10,000th unique visit to my blog, and to celebrate (and hopefully drive even more traffic my way!), I'm giving away a copy of Jonni McCoy's bestselling book, Miserly Moms. This is a good resource for anyone looking to live a more frugal lifestyle, but is especially helpful for those starting out and just getting their feet wet. It is a fun, insightful book filled with a ton of helpful tips.
For more info about the book, visit Jonni McCoy's website, or look at the first few pages on Amazon.
I am a fairly new blogger, without even 2 months under my belt yet. But in the short amount of time that this blog has been active, I have had an enormous amount of support and encouragement from my readers, and I wanted to give back to you all.
This week, I had my 10,000th unique visit to my blog, and to celebrate (and hopefully drive even more traffic my way!), I'm giving away a copy of Jonni McCoy's bestselling book, Miserly Moms. This is a good resource for anyone looking to live a more frugal lifestyle, but is especially helpful for those starting out and just getting their feet wet. It is a fun, insightful book filled with a ton of helpful tips.
For more info about the book, visit Jonni McCoy's website, or look at the first few pages on Amazon.
To enter to win this great giveaway, leave a comment on this post (with your email address or link to your blog) and tell me what your favorite CVS filler items are. If you don't shop at CVS, comment with another helpful shopping tip!
My favorite filler item (if I plan in advance and know I'm going to need one) is a roll of the CVS 1000-sheet toilet paper for $.89. It's only one-ply, which I hated at first but got used to because one roll lasts us a long time. And because I use it as a filler, I always have some stocked up, so I never have to work toilet paper into my deals.
When I don't plan ahead, my filler is- you guessed it- candy for the husband and kids (and I have been known to eat some myself every once in a while... shh!).
The winner of the Miserly Moms book will be chosen randomly on Sunday, June 1st!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The winner of the Miserly Moms book will be chosen randomly on Sunday, June 1st!
I just love your blog! It's under my favorites and I check it all the time!
I've been "doing" CVS for a couple of months now and love it! I'm still getting better at fillers, I usually fall short at the register and grab something up there...my 4 year old makes it quite difficult to be spur-of-the-moment efficient! But I love him dearly!!
Thanks for all you give us!
My very best filler item at CVS is Yardley Lavendar soap for $1.49. I love to shower with this soap and I think I sleep better after using it. Love your blog and the fact that it makes me think before I spend.
HEY. I like to buy the CVS cookies and use thee $1 coupon along with as my "filler".
I like to check the clearance section for fillers-I used a Spongebob folder at 65 cents this week :)
thanks for the contest!!!
I am just getting good at the CVS game now!
I know my filler isn't the most healthy, but I usually choose a bag or $.99 (sometimes $.89)spearmint leaves or orange leaves candy. They are a great sweet treat for me or the kids.
Oh, I hope I win this great book - thanks for the very first giveaway!
My favorite filler item would have to be a treasure from the clearance section. My best deals are: 2 sweatshirts for $0.69 each, and 2 fleece blankets for only $1.25/each.
Thanks again.
I'm really new at the CVS thing but I'm starting to get the hang of it and my husband loves to hear how much it was, what I spent, and how many ECB I got at the end.
So I love looking through the 75% or more clearance spot for fillers or the little $1 area which usually gets the kiddo some kind of toy or crafty thing to play with.
I'm also new to the CVS game, but will definitely buy candy to share, of course! I guess I should be checking out the clearance section! Thanks!
Wow that sure looks like a great giveaway. My favorite saving tip is just stocking up! It's so easy to buy a bunch when you get those great deals. All the necessities come around eventually and then you can buy enough until it comes around again. Not a super tip, but it's how I save a TON!
Congrats on so many visits to your new blog. I usually go for candy or gum for filler items.
Candy is usually my big filler. I love to do the Buddies Soap Bars as well. I also try to scope out any clearance items. My CVS has a 90% off clearance section which at many times makes me spend money but the deals are too good to pass up!
Love your blog BTW!
i would have to say that I have not read your blog before but I will in the future. I am new to the blogs and CVSing. As of right now I would say my best filler is the 0.99 travel wipes. I have a 2 and 4 year old and wipes are always a necessity
My favorite CVS filler item is a bag of M&Ms for my ever so patient 3 year old who often goes with me :)
Good luck on the continued success of your blog!
Awesome Blog! Just came over here from Denise's Blog.
My favorite filler is something from the clearance section... or a nut-free type candy to bribe my son into coming with me... :D
Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite filler? The 59 cent Absolutely Divine cookies by the register. Yum!
My favorite filler items are either small things that are producing ECB's (such as the Rolaids this month) or trial size items. I love have trial sized hairspray and deordant in my purse for emergencies!
Well, I'm not a CVS-er 'cause we don't have one nearby. But, I love getting toothpaste for free. That and adult toothbrushes are on my "never pay for again" list. Deoderant, too. Perfume, too. My list is growing!
kvicker at hotmail dot com
I think my most common filler has been the Johnson's Buddies soaps, or sometimes I throw in a more expensive item that I have a "try it free" coupon for (usually if I need a little more to make it over the top.)
Great site by the way! And I'm very excited about the giveaway! I have been wanting to read this book for quite some time!
My most common filler is a candy bar... because they are easy to grab and I love my chocolate! If I plan ahead I usually check out the clearance section. Last time I got a very cute notepad cube for my filler.
bleucowgirl AT hotmail DOT com
I personally love to grab a box of the CVS Divine Cookies as a filler with my $1 off coupons that tend to print out at the scanner!
I love to get milk as a filler, since I have two little milk monsters at home that make me need it almost every day!! Love your blog!
I am so jealous of all the CVS shoppers. We don't have any in Arkansas.
I love your blog! My filler is candy. Bad for me but oh so good!
i love, love, love getting my milk and chocolate for free at cvs! please enter me in the contest Thanks!
Something from the clearance section for sure!
I'm new to CVS but last week I got some chocolate candy that was on sale for my filler. Thanks!
Unfortunately living in the Pacific Northwest we do not have CVS close so I am unable to take advantage of their great freebies and stuff. I am a coupon gal and love to hit the sales. I have always tried to be frugal with my spending, hitting the sales even before kids and the husband. Why pay more when you can pay less with coupons or you buying it used. I love to purchase previously owned, but excellent condition items. I buy all my kids clothes used. I try to hit garage sales, thrift stores and kid consignment shops. The big thing is to buy a size or two ahead. When I see something that I like, just not in the right size for either child now, I think about the seasons and if I think it will work I purchase it anyways. The idea is that hopefully when my child graduates to the next size I have a pretty full wardrobe for them and don't have to go buy anything new (except maybe undies...my daughter is not potty trained yet, but I would love to have that problem...hopefully this summer she will toilet train we will see.) Most you probably already buy ahead, but I didn't have any other tips so there you go. :)
It's usually candy, but sometimes I can score something in the clearance section!
I usually get a drink for while I'm out shopping!
I have been going to CVS for a couple of months now, but I am still learning. I always look at the clearance section for fillers and anything else if I have a coupon I can use. I have to say I am addicted to coupons. I love them. Sometimes I think I cannot buy something if I don't have a coupon.
I want in too! I'm including this in tomorrow's snack attack!!
And, my "filler" items are usually Johnsons Buddies Bars since there's always those $1 coupons. Or, if that's out, I'll buy some baby powder or mints (hubby loves those).
I'm so excited to see what everyone lists because I need some new ideas!!
my tween loves going with me...she picks a candy filler
3beez at bellsouth dot net
My favorite from CVS was the Colgate 360 toothbrushes, which I paid $3.99 for and received the same amount back in ECB. I layered some coupons with the deal and came out ahead actually! I also did it with Aquafresh toothpaste, too. I had plenty of toothbrushes and toothpaste for our family so I sent the extra in with my second grader to school. His class was collecting for St. Raphael's. With a limited budget, I can not donate money, but I can donate freebies and my time! Have a blessed day and great blog!!
I am new to CVS and have only had one $/?? coupon but I would have to say my fav filler is candy because I don't buy it for myself anywhere else! Would love to read the book. Great blog!!!
A few different things. The CVS brand tissues at $1.15, small bottles of dish detergent, if they are on sale, and Badia spice packets for .49.
I am still new to the cvs game, but so far my favorite filler is from the clearance isle....I love to look for cheap hair accessories or from the 1.00 rack and stock up on cheap stuff to stick in gift baskets for teachers and last min. b-day parties!
My favorite filler is gum
I am going to buy it anyway so that
has became my
filler and its
right there at reach
My favorite CVS filler is the $0.99 CVS travel packs of baby wipes. I currently have them stocked in my car, my husband's truck, in the diaper bag, and extras near the changing table. Granted, you could buy a larger container for a cheaper per wipe cost, but it makes a great filler! --K.C.
KCWB--I don't have a blog, so...in case I win the free book, my email address is kristencwiseman at yahoo dot com. Thanks!