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Walgreens: Buy 9 items, get $20 RRs, new beginner scenario

I went to Walgreens yesterday, and was able to complete my Zantac scenario. I did it twice, since I was allowed to print 2 $5 off coupons.
Unfortunately, I couldn't complete my Crest scenario because they were completely sold out of the Crest Pro-Health 4 oz tubes.

So, I came home with $6 RRs and decided that this $20 RR offer was too good to let go of that easily, so I dug up a new scenario. I'm happier with this one because I always love getting new make-up, and heaven knows I have enough toothpaste to hold me over until armageddon, thanks to CVS.

I'll be off to try this one tonight.

First, I went to the Zantac website and entered one of the UPCs from the Zantac I bought yesterday, and it rewarded me with another $5/1 printable. I'll use that to buy one more Zantac at $3.99 (sale price), free after coupon, and it will print another $3 RRs. Then I'll do the following Cover Girl transaction, using my $6 RRs from yesterday and the new $3RRs to pay my oop costs.

The ad shows Cover Girl as part of the deal, at B1G150%. Walgreens.com shows nail polish as the cheapest option at $2.99. Also, there's an eyeliner/sharpener pack for $2.99.
7 Nail polish or Eyeliner/sharpener pack@ $2.99 B1g150% = $16.46
4 Cover Girl "Cheekers" Blush @ $3.99 B1G150% = $11.98
Total: $28.44 +tax

Depending on what coupons you have (like the free foundation or powder ones) you can probably do better, but this is what I plan to do with the 5/4 P&G coupons:

- two "$2.50 off 2 Covergirl" (-5.00) - I only bought 2 papers this week, but if you have three of these coupons, use them and only one of the -$1 ones below, and your oop will be $1.50 less.
- two "$1.00 off 1 CG product" (-$2.00)
- two "2 FREE Blush with purchase of 3 CG products" (-$15.96, or -$11.98 if they B1G150% your Q)
Total will be $5.96 or $9.46
Pay with $6 or $9 RRs (depending on the total) plus tax and get a $20 RR back!

I plan to use the $20 RR to buy items that are free after rebate, so I can get a gift card started to roll on these items in the future. You can read about what items I'm buying if you click here.


  1. Ahorros y cupones en Español said...

    With Crest the deal is even bettet.
    You only spend (max) $9 OOP and you get the $20 RR!!!

  2. Lavonne said...

    You're right, and that was my original plan, but my store is completely sold out of the Crest! :( And the manager said they most likely won't get any on Friday's truck (though you know I'm gonna stop in and try!). So this was my Plan B.

  3. Heather said...

    I went to get the Zantac RR today and since I used the mfg coupon, it didn't print out a RR for me. I called the home office and was told that was what was happening now...you couldn't use a mfg coupon and get a RR back since the mfgr was the one who issued the coupons. I am glad that it worked for you! :)

  4. The Book Lady Online said...

    The Covergirl RR is printing with 6 instead of 9. This morning, I bought 3 eye shadows (singles), 1 lip gloss, 1 cheek color and 1 nail polish. I used 2 2.50/2, 1 free cheek color when you buy 3, and 1 $1/1. My total was 8.xx and it printed out 2 $10.00 RR. You can read more about it on Carlie's blog http://carlie-whyaskwhy.blogspot.com/2008/05/cover-girl-and-wags.html
    which is where I heard about it. Good luck :o) I hope it goes well for you.

  5. Lavonne said...

    I wonder if it was because my coupon didn't scan (my printer was low on ink so it was a little fuzzy), and she had to enter it manually? On both, and both spit out $3 RRs each.
    I got my ink cartridge refilled while at Walgreens yesterday, so my coupons are printing crisp and clear now. We'll see what happens when I make my trip tonight!

  6. Lavonne said...

    the book lady online-
    That is an awesome deal, thanks. I think I'm gonna stick with my deal cause I LOVE free makeup, and I can get 10 items for only $1.50 more, which will be paid in RRs from the Zantac, so it'll all end up being free anyways! :)
    Thanks for the info, I may do this deal again later this week,with only the 6 items!

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