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Organizing Coupons

Lisa B emailed me last week asking this:

You seem very organized with your CVS scenarios and your coupon planning online. Are you that organized when it comes to organizing your coupons offline? How do you clip and save your coupons for later use?

I thought this sounded like good post fodder, so here's my answer:

I'm normally not nearly as organized as I'd like to be. For months, my coupons were stacked in a corner of my buffet counter waiting to be clipped and filed. And I never seemed to find time to do that, so they kept getting more behind, and piled higher, and it was nearly impossible to find a coupon when I needed it. So after much trial and error, I came up with the system I use now, and I'm loving it. It is so fast and easy to find what I'm looking for!

Here's what I do:

First, I write the date of the inserts on the front of each packet.

Then, using Post-it Flags (free at CVS a while back), I group together all of the Smart Source packets (I usually get 4 or 6 newspapers each week), and put a flag on the first and last pages of the group of packets, and label it SS.

I do the same with the Red Plum packets, labeling them RP.

I then put them in a file folder. The Post-it Flags allow me to quickly pull out ALL of the Smart Source packets or ALL or the Red Plum packets, without going through them first.

Then, I write the date on the folder. When I need to reuse this folder in the future (after these coupons are all used or expired), I'll just cross out this date and write the new date underneath.

I have two small coupon holders for coupons I pick up in places other than the newspaper, like at CVS, in the mail, blinkies at the supermarket, peelies, rebate forms, internet prints, or tear-off pads.
One is for items that I purchase at the drug store,

And the other is for grocery coupons.

The file folders and the little coupon filers all fit in this handy File Holder.

This system works well for me. It's small enough that I can take it with me if I need to, but large enough to hold everything. And the best thing about it is No More Clipping! I clip the coupons as I need them, and that frees up so much time for me.

How do you organize your coupons? Leave a comment below and let us know!



  1. Anonymous said...

    That pretty much sums up the way I store my Q's. The only difference being that before I actually file them away, I enter everything in a spreadsheet - this way I can sit with my flyer and match Q's.

    I also use a portable holder - similar to what you have, but it has a cover that clasps down and a handle. (Kinda like a giant tackle box minus the partitions.)

    When I have my 11 month old in one arm, I can easily tote my Q Tackle Box around with the other :)

    I also have 2 pouches for "loose" Q's, but 1 is for IP's ONLY and the other is for "all others". They are entered into my spreadsheet and then filed alphabetically.

    Just as you've pictured, everything fits nicely into my Q Tackle Box.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I love the photos. Your system is very similar to mine. In fact, I think we have the same plastic organizers!
    Homemaker Barbi

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