What's Happening in Frugal Bloggy Land!
I took a little time today to read up on some familiar frugal blogs and some that I had never visited before. It's always nice to read up on what others out in the blogisphere are writing about.
Here are a few posts that I enjoyed reading today:
Cathy at Chief Family Officer is celebrating 3 years of blogging by holding some great giveaways. With the help of a few sponsors, she's giving away a Kaboost chair booster, a $50 gift card to heels.com, a gift card to CVS, and more! I am impressed and in awe at 3 years of blogging. When I think about where I'll be in three years, it's hard to imagine my newborn will be walking and talking and in her terrible threes, my two year old will be going into Kindergarten, and my 10 year old will be going into high school, yikes! Congrats to Cathy and I hope to see you blogging for many years to come!
Deborah at Pennies to Nickels posted about a site I hadn't heard of before, walkscore.com, which gives you the walk score of your home, letting you know how walkable your neighborhood is. My home got a score of 6 out of 10, which surprises me because I always tell Hubs that I wish there were more places to walk to around here. Maybe I'm just too lazy or too out of shape, because the closest places on the list to walk to are all over a mile away (Restaurant: 1.2 miles, Coffee Shop: 1.05 miles, Park: 1.48 miles). I guess I need to get out more and build up that endurance.
Jeremy at The Hole of Debt has a helpful post about getting your finances organized. I recently went through a sort of "clutter overhaul" where I went through everthing and got it all organized. Call it spring cleaning, call it getting-ready-for-baby, whatever. It was was past necessary and it felt like a weight being lifted off wen it was finally completed. Now I can focus on enjoying my home and my family without that nagging feeling of "there's something else I really need to be doing" in the back of my mind.
Maria at Living [Frugally] Well is setting new frugal challenges and goals that she'd like to accomplish and make into habits in the month of June. This was very motivating to me, and I may start implementing my own goals and challenges each month, to start tackling all those "I really should try that someday" ideas that are always bouncing around in my head.
Madison at My Dollar Plan just wrapped up the Carnival of Financial Goals by posting her choice of the top 24 submissions out of the 98 total submissions this month. Reading other bloggers' goals and financial tips is always inspirational and motivating to me, and Madison's post was a wealth of information all in one place. I just love blog carnivals!

Here are a few posts that I enjoyed reading today:
Cathy at Chief Family Officer is celebrating 3 years of blogging by holding some great giveaways. With the help of a few sponsors, she's giving away a Kaboost chair booster, a $50 gift card to heels.com, a gift card to CVS, and more! I am impressed and in awe at 3 years of blogging. When I think about where I'll be in three years, it's hard to imagine my newborn will be walking and talking and in her terrible threes, my two year old will be going into Kindergarten, and my 10 year old will be going into high school, yikes! Congrats to Cathy and I hope to see you blogging for many years to come!
Deborah at Pennies to Nickels posted about a site I hadn't heard of before, walkscore.com, which gives you the walk score of your home, letting you know how walkable your neighborhood is. My home got a score of 6 out of 10, which surprises me because I always tell Hubs that I wish there were more places to walk to around here. Maybe I'm just too lazy or too out of shape, because the closest places on the list to walk to are all over a mile away (Restaurant: 1.2 miles, Coffee Shop: 1.05 miles, Park: 1.48 miles). I guess I need to get out more and build up that endurance.
Jeremy at The Hole of Debt has a helpful post about getting your finances organized. I recently went through a sort of "clutter overhaul" where I went through everthing and got it all organized. Call it spring cleaning, call it getting-ready-for-baby, whatever. It was was past necessary and it felt like a weight being lifted off wen it was finally completed. Now I can focus on enjoying my home and my family without that nagging feeling of "there's something else I really need to be doing" in the back of my mind.
Maria at Living [Frugally] Well is setting new frugal challenges and goals that she'd like to accomplish and make into habits in the month of June. This was very motivating to me, and I may start implementing my own goals and challenges each month, to start tackling all those "I really should try that someday" ideas that are always bouncing around in my head.
Madison at My Dollar Plan just wrapped up the Carnival of Financial Goals by posting her choice of the top 24 submissions out of the 98 total submissions this month. Reading other bloggers' goals and financial tips is always inspirational and motivating to me, and Madison's post was a wealth of information all in one place. I just love blog carnivals!
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