Another Bloggy Giveaway!
** The winner of this contest has been chosen! Click here to see who won! A great big "Thank you!" to everyone who entered, everyone who linked me on their blogs, and everyone who subscribed to my future posts! **

To say thank you to my loyal readers this week, I am giving away a $10 Target Gift Card!
Do you love my blog? Do you come back to read it daily? Perhaps you've even referred me to your friends or linked me on your blog? If so, then this giveaway is for you!
To submit an entry, leave me a comment telling me that you currently have Economic Endeavors on your blogroll or linked on the sidebar on your blog. If you don't currently have me on your blogroll or linked on your sidebar, but you enjoy my blog and read it daily, then please consider adding me and then leave me a comment letting me know that you did so and you'll be entered in the giveaway.
Make sure to leave the link to your blog in my comments section so that I can share the linky love!
I'll draw the winner on Wednesday, July 9, a week from today. Good luck! I hope you win!! :)
I read your blog several times a day! I love it and have sent it to friends and family. Please enter me in the giveaway.
I've added you to my Google homepage reader; thanks for the CVS heads ups. I'm really enjoying them.
I love your blog! You help me come up with CVS ideas. I just added you to my sidebar. Please enter me!
I love your blog. I just discovered it last week and have added it to my favorites link. I love checking it daily for all sorts of great tips. Thanks for great information.
i dont have a blog but if i did you would def be on there. i come to your page everday(i have you bookmarked) and there was a time it wouldnt let me load your page so i would clikc refresh about 20 times till it did. i love how you always are prepared with the CVS deals and plan them out for us. i work full time and go to school full time so im a busy lady and you help out ALOT. THANK YOU. please enter me. hellokitty_04@hotmail.com
Love your blog. You are on my Google homepage reader. Please enter me into the giveaway.
I love your blog as well and have it on my igoogle homepage. Your CVS scenarios are top notch!! Just what i like to see!
I love your blog! I check it everyday!!!
I have you on my Google Reader RSS feed (amazing!) and I just LOVE reading about the deals! I started this journey of frugality about 2 months ago, and it has CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! I am serious deal watcher now, and I owe it to you and several other bloggers for the "mentoring"! THANK YOU!!!
Love... read it everyday. I will be adding you to my blog roll! Thx for all of the great info.
enter me!
Great information! I subscribed to this blog last week and have been enjoying it every since! Thanks for providing all the good information!
I love your blog. It is linked on the side of my blog. I look at yours everyday and sometimes a couple times a day. I love all the deals you post. Thank you.
Of course you're on my blog roll! I love your site :-)
you are on my google page! i love finding all the deals you share!
I just found your blog about 2 weeks ago. I really like your CVS posts. Keep it coming!
I just found your blog Sunday, but I really enjoy it. Thanks for the CVS tips. I'm new to CVSing, but am learning a lot from you. I have you on my blog sidebar under "frugal blogs to visit."
I've just recently discovered your blog, but it has already been helpful to me in coming up with my CVS scenarios. I've only been doing CVS for about 6 weeks and I still need help figuring the best deals. Thanks and enter me please!
I love your blog! It's one of the few I look at everyday for the great deals & specials! I love the changes you have made too! The Target card would just be an added incentive to your site!
I love Target and I love your blog! :) Thanks for posting your CVS scenarios, they are very helpful!
I've just recently found your blog and I love it! I don't have a blog myself, but you are bookmarked on my computer. Thanks for all of the tips :)
I dont have a blog of my own or a website, but I do come here every day to read yours. Thanks for keeping us updated on all the great deals!
Please enter me in your drawing for the Target gift card. :)
I love your blog and money saving ideas. As soon as I update my own blog (it has been a few months now... yikes!) I will make sure to add a link!
Love your site.
I have added your site to my blogroll of favorite blogs.
You are linked on my blog
On the right side, down to the links
Just found your blog and am loving it! Will be adding you to my favorites.
i love to read other peoples scenerios when i cant come up with my own!
Your CVS scenarios are the best. I come to your blog a lot for info on CVS. I don't have a blog, but please enter me in your contest.
I read your blod often, thanks for all your great advice. Please enter me in your contest.
jennyminsook@gmail.com...thanks, jennifer
I am a first time visitor, but I am bookmarking for now :)
Nice blog! Plus I love that you're a total CVS junkie like me! :)
I'm another CVS addict so I check your blog often to make sure I haven't missed a good deal! Please put my name in the hat! Thanks!
Totally relate to the mission behind the establishment of your site and trying to do the same for my family. Updated you to my blogroll--leanneandtoddplusthree.blogspot.com
Thanks for sharing so many tips!
We don't have CVS here in Colorado- but I love your blog! :)
Thanks for all you do. I have you in my blogreader so I don't miss a post. I have also added you to my blogroll so my readers will also get to read your page.
My blog is homemakersresource.blogspot.com
Kristen B
I hope I'm not too late to enter. I just found your blog, and I love it! Thanks for the CVS previews. I just added you to my Yahoo reader.
Please enter me in your contest. I added you to my blog!
Awesome CVS Scenarios!!! I added you to my frugal blogroll!!
Of course I love your blog! Thanks for doing this great giveaway too! My email is allisontremor@hotmail.com
Thanks for all your wonderful "heads up for CVS" I enjoy reading them. Carmen Goddard c64g@yahoo.com
I'm delighted to find your blog and just added it to my blog reader. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!
Courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com
Just found your blog and love it! Signed up for the feed to be delivered to my Google Reader and will add to my blogroll sidebar at http://kidsmealcrowd.blogspot.com
I just found your blog, and have added it to my favorites.
Hi - I have added your link to my blogroll.
Thanks for a great money-saving blog! I read it at least every Monday.