Free Photo Book for Mother's Day!
Thanks to Carrie at MoneySavingMethods for the info on this great freebie! I plan on making two of these, one for my mom and one for my husband's mom for Mother's Day!
From moneysavingmethods:
From moneysavingmethods:
If you read my original
post on digital scrapbooking, you know I just love it! And, one of my
friends, Jenn, had recently told me about a company called Picaboo,
where the pages are pre-done for you and you can drag your pictures in. And,
what she really liked, is that there were ALOT of different themes, pages, etc
to pick from, unlike some companies.Anyway, I had yet to try Picaboo
out, until now! I am going to be working on my book this week, hopefully. Why?
Because they are giving a free book away to new users.The book is a 20 page
photo book worth $9.99. And, I figured this is a great way for me to see if I
will like their product before I spend money on a large album...plus...it is
FREE! And, a GREAT idea for Mother's Day for one of the Grandma's or for Ryan
for Father's Day.So, if you are interested, too, click here to go to Picaboo
and register. Here are the details from their website, so you will know exactly
which book you need to order.
Get a free 20-page Medium book
The price of a 20-page Medium Softcover Classic Die Cut photo book will be deducted from your order total ($9.99 value)
If your book contains more than 20 pages, you will be charged for the extra pages
This coupon excludes taxes and shipping fees
Only Medium Softcover and Medium Hardcover Classic Die Cut photo books are
eligible for this offer
Coupon expires on December 31, 2008
Applies to US and Canadian residents only
Cannot be used with any other coupon
This coupon can be used by first-time customers only
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this offer without notice
Just so you know, my shipping came to $7.99 ( still a good deal, since most photo albums cost that alone or more ).
Finally, the coupon code is 1PFMDB-WE.
You will need to enter that at checkout. Since I haven't completed my book and gone
thru the whole process yet, just make sure you see the $9.99 come off before you
do your final order process and have it charge you. If not, call Picaboo!
I like your idea!! Picaboo is really best for photo books...