My CVS loot for the week

Also, the M&Ms didn't print ECBs like I expected (that was reportedly a hidden deal, and it is now working because I bought 2 bags today).
I have no idea what I'm gonna do with the Benefiber, it's one of those things that we just don't use, and in trying to pass them along to my sister or inlaws, I found out that they don't use it either.
I guess I can give it a try, anyways. I suppose it wouldn't hurt me to be a bit more regular. lol
I have never put any diapers but Pampers on my 2 year old, but since these CVS diapers were free this week after coupons and ECBs, I got four packs of them. And I just ran out of Pampers and needed to buy more anyways, so I decided to give them a shot. I was not really happy with them, so I'm back to Pampers, but the crisis pregnancy center was happy to get the CVS brand diapers as a donation.
*To see the savings that other people cashed in on this week, go on over to Super Savings Saturday at MoneySavingMom.com!
** There's still time to earn a free $25, no strings attached, just for signing up for a free account at Revolution Money Exchange! Read my post about the company here, or click on the link below to sign up!

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